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Welcome to the Church on Colonsay!

The Parish Church in Scalasaig welcomes worshippers from all Christian traditions and none. Although nominally part of the Church of Scotland, we count Roman Catholics, Baptists, Anglicans and Quakers among our regular congregation. We meet for worship every Sunday at 10.30 a.m., and services are relayed via Zoom to people who cannot make it to church, and also to many of our friends on the mainland and abroad.

Colonsay does not currently have a resident minister, although moves are underway to  share a minister with the parish of Netherlorn, to which we are now linked. During the spring and summer a succession of visiting ministers and other preachers, from  different denominations, come and stay in the manse for a week or a fortnight at a time, and take services while they are here. The current preaching rota can be found here.

In the winter months (Nov-Feb) services are held once a month in church, and the rest of the time on Zoom. These are usually led by our local lay reader, Dr Alastair Scouller.

If you would like to receive a Zoom invitation, please contact alastair.scouller[at]

For further information please contact the Session Clerk William Leigh Knight at 
